John's H.O. & N Trees
For H.O. & N scale Model Railroads,
Modules & Dioramas
Over 65 Trees available in H.O. scale!
35 Trees available in N scale!
Purchase $50 or more in product - use my coupon code Spend $50 at check-out for a 3% discount!
- Frequently Asked Questions -
​How Do I Place An Order with John's HO Trees?
Order on-line at https://www.johnshotrees.com or by phone at (817) 239-3929. If you prefer, email your order to me at: johnshotrees@gmail.com
Use my Coupon Code Spend$50 at check-out when you order $50 or more in product to get a 3% discount.
If you prefer, use my handy Order Forms on the Menu bar to fill out a paper Order and mail it to me..
Large orders may take 2-3 weeks or longer to be ready for pick-up, delivery or shipping. I may ship by UPS, Fed-EX or USPS, at my discretion. I'll send you a tracking number and expected date of delivery.
What are my Payment Options; Delivery or Shipping Fees?
Use Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, or Pay-Pal on this secure website. If placing your order by email, please call me with your payment information. Or, if making payment in person, we can swipe your card using Square at the house or Event. If paying by check, please make your check to: John Runnells. Include your drivers license on the check.
Pick up your order from my home = no charge.
If I deliver product to your home less than 8 miles from my home, the delivery fee is $6.00.
Delivery to your home over 8 miles, but not exceeding 15 miles; delivery fee is $10.00.
Addresses more than 15 miles from my home will be shipped by the most economical Shipper, often USPS for $13.95. You can elect to pick-up your order (Will Call) at my home. Orders outside Texas are likely to cost more than $13.95 and the customer will be billed the difference. For Canadian customers, you'll pay the usual $13.95 at check-out, but will be billed the difference in actual shipping costs.
Large Orders
​Orders of 40 or more trees will require the customer to fill out a Memorandum of Intention to Purchase Form, which I will email to you. On the Memorandum, you'll state the specifics of your purchase (quantity, selection, height and color) and select how you wish to pay for the Order. We'll agree on the timing of production. Twenty percent of your Order Total will be non-refundable if you cancel or withhold payment on any portion of product received. The non-refundable portion covers my cost of materials, preparation and labor. This form may be necessary for unusual orders that would be hard to sell if the order was abandoned.
Note: I ship to the U.S. and Canada only.
Returns & Refunds
On receiving your order, it may be that shipping or travel has altered the product. This is usually minor in nature. Limbs can be gently re-positioned. Do not attempt to bend the trunk or main branches, as the paint and underlying coating may crack. Acrylic paint can be used to touch up "spots" to adequately 'fix' some issues. It is normal to find some foliage fallen off during shipment. Trees should still have sufficient foliage on them to look great.
If your order has been damaged beyond repair, I can replace the product. Damage due from dropping the product, sitting or stepping on the product, or allowing small children or pets to play with the trees is not refundable.
Privacy Policy
​I do not share, sell or use your personal information or email, other than to process your order and maintain a means of contacting customers and contacts. If you wish to be deleted from my mailing list, "unsubscribe" on any email I send you, or let me know personally, and I'll do it without hassle.