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Customer's who are using John's H.O. and N trees on their projects

Don T's country home accented with Red Crepe Myrtles and Generic tree inside fence, and Pines & Aspen in background.
Don T's farm scene is even more eye-catching with purple Japanese Maple.  Orange Tree at right of flag.   Pines & Generic trees.  Model A Ford crossing over cattle-guard.

Mesquites added to the wonderful R.D. Moses Museum layout in Jefferson, TX.

Charles C's layout with John's Sugar Maple (autumn red) & Red Oak.

Photos from Mark R. - (above)  Aspen in yellow/orange, Elm, Dogwood & Red Crepe Myrtle     (Left) Dogwood, Red Crepe, & Yellow Bush..   (And some bucks & does!)

Wonderful scene by N scaler Teresa G, using John's N sized trees.    Weeping Willow next to 2 story home, with two purple Lilacs to left of circular patio.   Red Crepe Myrtle on right edge, & Mesquite in foreground.   Oaks & Cottonwood at left edge.

Richard F. is well on his way to creating a waterfront scene with bait and seafood shops.   He added my Bald Cypress in the upper right of the photo above..

A nice oil storage facility by Richard.

John K module with trees #5.JPG
John K module with trees #1.JPG

John K added a large Oak tree to each of these module scenes.    Trees help give perspective

David Olsen N scale layout with cherry t

Russ added my Japanese Cherry trees to a line of homes on his Japanese themed layout.

David Olsen N scale layout 2.jpg
Andrew Geeting trees on module.jpg

Scotch Pines on Andrew G's scene.

Kathryn A's town of Christmas - Noon bre
Kathryn A's town of Christmas - Martha's

Katherine A special ordered a Palo Verde tree for her western town of Christmas.   "Taking a break'".

Natalie Maguire N scale horse stable dio
Natalie Maguire N scale horse stable 2.j

Natalie M. used my N scale Oak and Forsythia on her horse stable.   In the loft, a cat has cornered a skunk, oh no!    Trees help create the perspective of scale.   


Kent B. added Mesquites in HO & N scale along with a couple of Palo Verde trees (yellow) to his Southwest themed layout.   

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Bob H sent me a photo of one of my trees & business card on his U.S. Army layout.   

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Frederick C. highlighted his 1960's house diorama with John's Mimosa trees.   Great job on the florals and details of this scene.

Anna L river scene with Cypress & knees

Anna L. used my Bald Cypress & knees to make a wonderful framed scene.  An excellent example of thinking outside of model railroading.  

Anna river scene with Cypress & knees #1
Doug Hailey photo 2.jpg
Doug Hailey photo 4.jpg

Doug H added an assortment of trees to his business scenes.


At right - George B has added a nice diversity of trees using my Weeping Willow, Dogwood, and Japanese Cherry.    A tree next to a building gives extra feel of 'realism'.    Good job, George!

Shane P, added a white Dogwood to his farm scene which goes well with the beekeepers.  On the house with new addition, an Apple tree & Mimosa tree compliment the fenced scene.   .    


Shane added a nice Sassafras tree to the scene at left..

George Bone layout with John's HO & N Trees on it.jpg
Carol Shea Japanese Cherry & Tea House.jpg

Carol S. sent me these photos of her scene using  my Japanese Cherry tree and a Tea Room Kit designed & made by Gayle Baillargeion of Petworth Ministures (Q Bits series in 1/4 scale.     Wonderful work, Carol!    

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Anna L,. sent me this diorama photo representing Brazos Bend State Park in Houston.   Gators, figures, fish, rustic pier  & sign, with Cypress trees and knees.   Love that red bench!     

Ricky Keil tree photo #3.jpg
Ricky Keil tree photo #1.jpg

Ricky K added my Cedar, Poplar and Cottonwoods to his scene.


Ron W added my Cottonwoods to his wonderful City scene.   I particularly like his use of 'tree boxes.  And great-looking sidewalks.   Great job Ron! 


Marcus R added a nice variety of my trees to his N scale layout.   Cypress edge the waterway in the photo at left.   Aspen in yellow & hint of yellow create that special look.   He also added yellow Maple and orange Maple.   

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IMG_9180 RHC Dogwood (1).JPG

Steve G. sent me photos of my white Dogwood trees at the Palestine Railroad Heritage Center,   


Paul S. purchased a good assortment of trees, including Crabapple, White Dogwood & Apple trees.    His placement enhances the perception of scale and depth.  

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Steve North desert scene #1.jpg
Steve North desert scene #2.jpg

Steve N. sent me photos of my N scale Joshua Trees and Palo Verde tree (left background) in his nicely done desert setting.    Below, he shows how different trees add so much to the setting, with an Apple tree lower left and my Forsythia bushes (lower right).   


Folks from the Texas State Railroad sent me photos of my white & pink Dogwoods in the Spring (above), and my Aspen, Maple and Red Oak in the Fall (below).

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My white and pink Dogwood line the median of this great N scale layout scene by Larry D.


Below, more photos from Larry D - Aspen, Sassafras Red Oak and green Oak.


Larry D's use of positioning help give the town and streets that 'alive feel'.   Orange Maple, & Forsythia in foreground.   Aspen in mid-photo & Weeping Willow in upper right corner.

Kim Anoe photo #1.jpg
Kim Anoe photo #2.jpg

Kim A created this neat N scale scene with my Cottonwood tree on the left and plum-colored thicket, which also helped create rose bush effect.   (She used a photo postcard for the background and microbeads to make her Redbud trees.)

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At left, Lou M added my Crabapple trees to his multi-level layout, along with yellow Forsythia bushes,    Below, a Bloodgood Japanese Maple give charm to the trailer lot.   

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Rick S added my H.O. multi-phased Aspen and H.O. multi-color Pines to his On3 Zoo layout.    He added snow to some of the pines.   The track will eventually run zoo-type cars around the perimeter.    He's done an amazing job of finding so many animals to populate the project including Bears, Polar Bears, Musk Ox, White Wolves, Seals, Deer, Bald Eagles, Mountain Lion, Caribou and more.    


Rick was the inspiration to make him the Redwoods (6-8" tall) which help him depict the California coast.    Snow scene shows Musk Ox and White Wolves.   Last scene shows Caribou.  Great job, Rick.       


John K ordered a fallen tree with new tree growth.   Upper left photo shows tree after spray painting done.   Upper right shows trees with 'fuzz' on, and bottom center shows with foliage.  This exceeded my expectations.  Trunk is 3" long and new tree growth is 3" tall.    Photo at lower left shows tree positioned beside trestle.   More water to come.

Randy Pavette Aspen trees on cabin module.jpg

Randy P. added my multi-phased N-scale Aspen to his cabin scene creating extra depth.    He plans on adding additional groundcover.    

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Dale & Betty B. shared with me how they enhanced my Redwood trees by using a wash of Micro-Lux acrylic Railroad Tie Brown, let them dry and then dry-brushed RR Tie Brown over the trunks to give a multi-toned look.  Great job!     Micro-Mark has this product.


Joe R. added my orange Maple, Weeping Willow, White Dogwood, Palo Verde trees and my plum, lavender and yellow thicket to his very nice N scale layout. 


Steven N used an assortment of my trees on these N scale mini-modules.   Palo Verde at top left, then Forsythia (round yellow), then Japanese Cherry, Crabapple, Yellow/Orange Aspen, Oak, then Weeping Willow on left.   


Steven also used my white thicket & small bushes.    He also applied snow to my cone-shaped evergreens (in lower left of 1st photo.)  Great job!


    My trees are made using twisted wire.    The only exception are my pines, which have a balsa wood trunk.    I do not sell any live trees.


    Note:   At the Plano Train Shows, I'm located in "Sunny Slope 2" room; the 3rd room on the right if entering from the east entrance at the Plano Civic & Convention Center.   


    When browsing my H.O. and N Scale Collection of trees, click on the "Load More" button at the bottom of each page to see my full tree list alphabetically.    


    Contact John at:   (817) 239-3929   Leave a message on my phone and I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able.     Or Email me at:   


    I'm located at 8501 Cardinal Lane in North Richland Hills, Texas, half-way between Fort Worth & Dallas.


    ​​John's H.O.  & N Trees gives the Model Railroader, Diorama Builder, and Hobbyist a variety of trees and shrubs to create realistic scenes.   With 55 different H.O. trees and over 40 N size trees, modelers have many choices, whether you're doing city or rural scenes.   


    I also make Bushes, Flowers & Thicket!   (See menu bar)    And, Barrel & Ocotillo cactus, and Tropical plants in vases and raised beds, including Elephant Ears.


    • Use your Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Pay Pal or Square account.   If paying for your email or phone order by check, you must make your check payable to John Runnells.


    • At check-out, enter your personal information.   Select delivery type:  Customer pick-up, or delivery by John, or ship.    Enter your Postal Code (Zip) at the end or you'll get an error message.  Use the code Spend $5o on purchases of $50 or more during checkout to get a 3% discount.        


    • H.O. trees & shrubs 3" and under are $4.75 each.   5" and under are $6.50 and 5"-6" trees are $7.50 each.   Exceptions:   Weeping Willow, Live Oak and Redwood trees are higher priced due to time and materials required.   N scale trees & shrubs are $4.75 for 1"-3"; $5.75 for 3"-4"; and $6.50 for 4"-5".   


    • Need a tree for a special project?  Submit a photo of the tree you have in mind, and I'll do my best to make a representation of it for your project.   In some cases, I may not be able to make the tree (color not available, or structure not workable).        

    • Caution: Twisted wire trees may have sharp ends.   Use care when handling trees & shrubs.   Trees and small bushes are designed for ages 12 and older and are not intended for young children.   Bushes, flowers and thicket pieces may pose a choking hazard for small children.

    • Can't find what you're looking for?   Call or email me with your request and I'll see what I can do.



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